Big Ideas

providing accurate outcomes for both languages: English & Spanish from a career of more than 20 years





Due to an ever-changing world, it is necessary to overcome the language barriers that are found among different cultures.

For this reason, I offer professional translation services for the promotion and internationalisation of SMEs or large companies, without failing to appreciate the individual customer who, at one point, requires translation of a brief document.

For the greatest reliability and utmost speed in these projects, I use the latest versions of CAT software, e. g.: SDL Trados Studio | memoQ | Phrase | XTM | Smartcat | Wordbee.


At this stage, being either monolingual or bilingual, it is crucial to check and correct any spelling, grammar or mistakes in terminology, which cause the message not to be communicated in a proper way. There are two steps:

  • Editing: implies an improvement in style and the removal of any inconsistency or language error.
  • Proofreading: quicker than editing, it ensures that there will be no mistakes, even the slightest, in preparing a document for publication.


It is carried out after applying machine translation (MT”); on a previously translated text; i. e., what differentiates this from a revision, which is human-generated and error focused, is that post-editing seeks to adjust writing based on the outcome produced by a specific software. There are two types:

  • Light post-editing is purpose-oriented, i. e., it focuses on message accurateness.
  • Full post-editing: its aim is to generate a text just as if words might be written by a person. In contrast to light post-editing, full post-editing is stricter regarding aspects of style because the text will be published.


It implies expressing speech (audio format) by means of writing, from and to English and from and to the Spanish language.

Transcripts can be exhaustive (verbatim aka “word for word”). It can also take the most relevant information (basic ideas).

For transcripts, I use several players compatible with all types of multimedia files (WAV, MP3, etc.).


This is the speech uttered through the proper modulation, pitch, speaking rate and volume of voice, with the aim to create, for instance, documentary narratives or training videos.

Here, I rely on the software Captivate and Audacity.

Desktop Publishing

In addition, I offer layout services. This includes: the distribution of text, images and graphs within one or more documents for publication afterwards and using well-known software.

I use: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat and Office that can either be implemented within Microsoft (Windows) or Apple (i-OS) latest operating systems.



It implies expressing speech (audio format) by means of writing, from and to English and from and to the Spanish language.

La transcripción puede ser exhaustiva (palabra por palabra), o bien solamente extrayendo lo más relevante (ideas principales).



This is the speech uttered through the proper modulation, pitch, speaking rate and volume of voice, with the aim to create, for instance, documentary narratives or training videos.

Para la transcripción utilizo diversos reproductores de todo tipo de archivos multimedia (.wav, .mp3, etc.); mientras que para la locución cuento con el software Captivate y Audacity.


Desktop Publishing

En consonancia con el resto de servicios, ofrezco trabajos de maquetación; es decir, la distribución del texto e imágenes/gráficos dentro de un documento (o documentos) para su publicación, con programas ampliamente conocidos como; Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat y Office, en los últimos sistemas operativos de Microsoft (Windows) y Apple (i-OS).


SEO & Content Marketing

It consists of a series of tools for improving your web site positioning within the most important search engines at the national and international levels.

As a result, the visibility of your business is increased. You can entice or draw the attention of more potential customers.

The following are used to achieve this:

  • Search and localization of keywords.
  • Optimization of websites content.
  • Content creation and usage of meta tags.
Professional Associations

Resources for professional linguists

By clicking below, you will find some resources and tools which could be useful in your daily work.

Some clients and their endorsements

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